(function(abp){ abp.multiTenancy = abp.multiTenancy || {}; abp.multiTenancy.isEnabled = true; })(abp); (function(){ abp.session = abp.session || {}; abp.session.userId = null; abp.session.tenantId = null; abp.session.impersonatorUserId = null; abp.session.impersonatorTenantId = null; abp.session.multiTenancySide = 2; })(); (function(){ abp.localization = abp.localization || {}; abp.localization.currentCulture = { name: 'en', displayName: 'English' }; abp.localization.languages = [{ name: 'en', displayName: 'English', icon: 'famfamfam-flag-gb', isDisabled: false, isDefault: false } , { name: 'zh-CN', displayName: '绠€浣撲腑鏂?, icon: 'famfamfam-flag-cn', isDisabled: false, isDefault: true }]; abp.localization.currentLanguage = { name: 'en', displayName: 'English', icon: 'famfamfam-flag-gb', isDisabled: false, isDefault: false }; abp.localization.sources = [ { name: 'Abp', type: 'MultiTenantLocalizationSource' }, { name: 'AbpWeb', type: 'MultiTenantLocalizationSource' }, { name: 'AbpZero', type: 'MultiTenantLocalizationSource' }, { name: 'TraceabilitySystemAZ', type: 'MultiTenantLocalizationSource' } ]; abp.localization.values = abp.localization.values || {}; abp.localization.values['Abp'] = { "AllOfThesePermissionsMustBeGranted": "Required permissions are not granted. All of these permissions must be granted: {0}", "AtLeastOneOfThesePermissionsMustBeGranted": "Required permissions are not granted. At least one of these permissions must be granted: {0}", "CurrentUserDidNotLoginToTheApplication": "Current user did not login to the application!", "DefaultFromSenderDisplayName": "Default from (sender) display name", "DefaultFromSenderEmailAddress": "Default from (sender) email address", "DefaultLanguage": "Default language", "DomainName": "Domain name", "MainMenu": "Main menu", "Password": "Password", "ReceiveNotifications": "Receive notifications", "SmtpHost": "SMTP host", "SmtpPort": "SMTP port", "TimeZone": "Timezone", "UseDefaultCredentials": "Use default credentials", "Username": "User name", "UseSSL": "Use SSL" }; abp.localization.values['AbpWeb'] = { "AreYouSure": "Are you sure?", "Cancel": "Cancel", "DefaultError": "An error has occurred!", "DefaultError401": "You are not authenticated!", "DefaultError403": "You are not authorized!", "DefaultError404": "Resource not found!", "DefaultErrorDetail": "Error detail not sent by server.", "DefaultErrorDetail401": "You should be authenticated (sign in) in order to perform this operation.", "DefaultErrorDetail403": "You are not allowed to perform this operation.", "DefaultErrorDetail404": "The resource requested could not found on the server.", "EntityNotFound": "There is no entity {0} with id = {1}!", "InternalServerError": "An internal error occurred during your request!", "ValidationError": "Your request is not valid!", "ValidationNarrativeTitle": "The following errors were detected during validation.", "Yes": "Yes" }; abp.localization.values['AbpZero'] = { "CanNotDeleteAdminUser": "Can not delete user {0} since this is the default admin user!", "CanNotDeleteStaticRole": "Can not delete a static role: {0}", "CanNotRenameAdminUser": "Can not rename user name of the {0} since this is the default admin user!", "Email": "Email", "EmailSecurityCodeBody": "Your security code is: {0}", "EmailSecurityCodeSubject": "Security Code", "Identity.DefaultError": "An unknown failure has occured.", "Identity.DuplicateEmail": "Email '{0}' is already taken.", "Identity.DuplicateUserName": "Name {0} is already taken.", "Identity.ExternalLoginExists": "A user with that external login already exists.", "Identity.InvalidEmail": "Email '{0}' is invalid.", "Identity.InvalidToken": "Invalid token.", "Identity.InvalidUserName": "User name {0} is invalid, can only contain letters or digits.", "Identity.LockoutNotEnabled": "Lockout is not enabled for this user.", "Identity.PasswordMismatch": "Incorrect password.", "Identity.PasswordRequireDigit": "Passwords must have at least one digit ('0'-'9').", "Identity.PasswordRequireLower": "Passwords must have at least one lowercase ('a'-'z').", "Identity.PasswordRequireNonLetterOrDigit": "Passwords must have at least one non letter or digit character.", "Identity.PasswordRequireUpper": "Passwords must have at least one uppercase ('A'-'Z').", "Identity.PasswordTooShort": "Passwords must be at least {0} characters.", "Identity.PropertyTooShort": "{0} cannot be null or empty.", "Identity.RoleNotFound": "Role {0} does not exist.", "Identity.UserAlreadyHasPassword": "User already has a password set.", "Identity.UserAlreadyInRole": "User already in role.", "Identity.UserIdNotFound": "UserId not found.", "Identity.UserNameNotFound": "User {0} does not exist.", "Identity.UserNotInRole": "User is not in role.", "InvalidTenancyName": "Tenancy name is not valid!", "Ldap_Container": "Container", "Ldap_ContextType": "Context type", "Ldap_Domain": "Domain", "Ldap_IsEnabled": "Enabled", "Ldap_Password": "Password", "Ldap_UserName": "User name", "OrganizationUnitDuplicateDisplayNameWarning": "There is already an organization unit with name {0}. Two units with same name can not be created in same level.", "RoleDisplayNameIsAlreadyTaken": "Role display name {0} is already taken.", "RoleNameIsAlreadyTaken": "Role name {0} is already taken.", "Sms": "Sms", "SmsSecurityCodeMessage": "Your security code is: {0}", "TenancyNameIsAlreadyTaken": "Tenancy name {0} is already taken." }; abp.localization.values['TraceabilitySystemAZ'] = { "{0}UserCannotBeDeleted": "{0} user can not be deleted.", "AboutUs": "About us", "AccountSettings": "Account settings", "Action": "Action", "ActionInformations": "Action informations", "Actions": "Actions", "ActivationMailSentMessage": "An e-mail activation link sent to your e-mail address. Please check your emails.", "Active": "Active", "AddedTime": "Addition time", "AddFriend": "Add friend", "AddImage": "娣诲姞鍥剧墖", "AddMember": "Add member", "AddRootUnit": "Add root unit", "AddSubUnit": "Add sub unit", "AddUser": "Add user", "AdminEmailAddress": "admin email", "Administration": "Administration", "AdminPassword": "admin password", "AdminPasswordRepeat": "admin password (repeat)", "All": "All", "AllCachesSuccessfullyCleared": "All caches successfully cleared.", "AllowTenantsToRegisterThemselves": "Allow tenants to register to the system.", "AllowTenantsToRegisterThemselves_Hint": "If you disable this, tenants will only be added by admin using tenant management page.", "AllowToRememberBrowserForTwoFactorLogin": "Allow to remember browser. If you allows this, users can select to remember browser to skip second time two factor login for the same browser.", "AllowUsersToRegisterThemselves": "Allow users to register to the system.", "AllowUsersToRegisterThemselves_Hint": "If you disable this, users will only be added by admin using user management page.", "Appearance": "Appearance", "ApplicationLogo": "Application Logo", "Apply": "Apply", "AreYouSure": "Are you sure?", "AuditLogDetail": "Audit log detail", "AuditLogImpersonatedOperationInfo": "Note: This operation is performed by another user on behalf of this user.", "AuditLogs": "Audit logs", "Back": "Back", "BackToMyAccount": "Back to my account", "BaiYunMu": "鐧戒簯姣?, "BaoZhuangMethod": "鍖呰鏂瑰紡", "BaseLanguage": "Base language", "BaseValue": "Base value", "BatchNumber": "鎵瑰彿", "BeiZhuInfo": "澶囨敞", "BianJiXinXi": "缂栬緫淇℃伅", "BlockedUsers": "Blocked Users", "BlockUser": "Block user", "Browse": "Browse", "Browser": "Browser", "Caches": "Caches", "CachesHeaderInfo": "You can clear caches in application on this page.", "CacheSuccessfullyCleared": "Cache successfully cleared.", "CaiZhais": "閲囨憳璁板綍", "Cancel": "Cancel", "CancelAllFilesAction": "鍏ㄩ儴鍙栨秷", "CanNotChangeAdminUserName": "Can not change username of the admin.", "CanNotEditOrDeleteDefaultLanguages": "Can not edit or delete default languages. You can only edit or delete the languages you added. But you can change texts of all languages.", "CaptchaCanNotBeEmpty": "Security code can not be empty.", "Captha_Hint": "Please enter the security code shown in the picture below:", "CascadeImpersonationErrorMessage": "Can not make cascade impersonation. This is already an impersonated login!", "ChangePassword": "Change password", "ChangePasswordBeforeLinkToAnAccount": "You must change your password before linking this account!", "ChangeProfilePicture": "Change profile picture", "ChangeTexts": "Change texts", "ChangingFeatures": "Changing features", "ChangingPermissions": "Changing permissions", "ChangingTexts": "Changing texts", "ChanKanSuYuanDangAn": "鏌ョ湅婧簮妗f", "Chat": "Chat", "ChatFeature": "Chat", "ChatFeatureIsNotEnabledForReceiver": "Chat is not enabled for tenant.", "ChatFeatureIsNotEnabledForSender": "Chat is not enabled for you.", "ChatIsNotConnectedWarning": "Chat is not connected.", "ChatUserSearch_Hint": "\r\n Write only username for same tenant users,
\r\n [tenancyName]\\[userName] for other tenant's users

\r\n for example:
\r\n .\\admin -> for host admin
\r\n Test\\admin -> for test tenant's admin
\r\n admin -> for your tenant's admin\r\n ", "ChiTongShi": "璧ら摐鐭?, "CityName": "鍦板競", "Clear": "Clear", "ClearAll": "Clear all", "ClearedSuccessfully": "Cleared successfully", "ClickHere": "click here", "Client": "Client", "Close": "Close", "Code": "Code", "ConfirmationMailSentPleaseClickLinkInTheEmail": "A confirmation mail sent to {0}. Please click link in the email in order to confirm your mail address.", "CreateAnAccount": "Create account", "CreateAnTalent": "浼佷笟娉ㄥ唽", "CreateField": "娣诲姞鐢板潡", "CreateFieldComponent": "娣诲姞鍦熷¥鑲ュ姏", "CreateGrwthRecord": "娣诲姞鐢熼暱璁板綍", "CreateGuanGaiRecord": "娣诲姞鐏屾簤璁板綍", "CreateGuanPickRecord": "娣诲姞閲囨憳璁板綍", "CreateHuaFei": "娣诲姞鍖栬偉", "CreateNewEdition": "Create new edition", "CreateNewLanguage": "Create new language", "CreateNewRole": "Create new role", "CreateNewTenant": "Create new tenant", "CreateNewUser": "Create new user", "CreateNongYao": "娣诲姞鍐滆嵂", "CreatePickRecord": "娣诲姞閲囨憳璁板綍", "CreatePinZhong": "娣诲姞鍝佺", "CreatePlantRecord": "娣诲姞绉嶆璁板綍", "CreateQrCode": "娣诲姞浜岀淮鐮?, "CreateShiFeiRecord": "娣诲姞鏂借偉璁板綍", "CreateShiYaoRecord": "娣诲姞鐢ㄨ嵂璁板綍", "CreateTraceBag": "娣诲姞婧簮妗f琚?, "CreateTSImage": "娣诲姞鍥剧墖", "CreateTSPhoneNum": "娣诲姞鎵嬫満鍙风爜", "CreateTuRangType": "娣诲姞鍦熷¥绫诲瀷", "CreateWeiXinRecord": "娣诲姞寰俊缁戝畾", "CreatingNewEdition": "Creating new edition", "CreatingNewLanguage": "Creating new language", "CreatingNewRole": "Creating new role", "CreatingNewTenant": "Creating new tenant", "CreatingNewUser": "Creating new user", "CreationTime": "Creation time", "CultivatefMethod": "鏍藉煿鏂瑰紡", "CurrentPassword": "Current password", "CustomCSS": "Custom CSS", "CustomData": "Custom data", "CustomRange": "Custom range", "Dashboard": "Dashboard", "DashboardDemo_Note_Info": "\r\n In this demo, you can use the left menu to test the application.\r\n This dashboard page is just for demonstration, but all other pages and functionalities are fully implemented, working and ready for production.\r\n You can add/apply your business requirements on this startup project (or remove any functionality you don't need).\r\n Thus, you can have a signification time gain to immediately start your own project requirements.\r\n ", "DashboardDemo_Note_Title": "Welcome to ASP.NET Zero startup project!", "DashboardHeaderInfo": "statistics and reports", "DashboardNoteForMpaVersion": "\r\n See Demo for Multi-Page Application version with ASP.NET MVC and jQuery.\r\n ", "DashboardNoteForSpaVersion": "\r\n Notice: There is also a Single-Page Application version built using ASP.NET MVC and AngularJs.\r\n ", "DatabaseConnectionString": "Database connection string", "DateRange": "Date range", "Default": "Default", "DefaultAccountLockoutDurationAsSeconds": "Account locking duration (as seconds)", "DefaultError": "Default Error.", "DefaultError401": "鏈巿鏉?, "DefaultError403": "绂佹", "DefaultError404": "鎵句笉鍒?, "DefaultErrorDetail": "Default Error Detail.", "DefaultErrorDetail401": "鏈巿鏉冨鎴锋満璁块棶鏁版嵁锛?01锛?, "DefaultErrorDetail403": "鍗充娇鏈夋巿鏉冧篃涓嶉渶瑕佽闂紙403锛?, "DefaultErrorDetail404": "鏈嶅姟鍣ㄦ壘涓嶅埌缁欏畾鐨勮祫婧愶紱鏂囨。涓嶅瓨鍦紙404锛?, "DefaultFromAddress": "Default from (sender) email address", "DefaultFromDisplayName": "Default from (sender) display name", "DefaultRole_Description": "Assign to new users as default.", "Delete": "Delete", "DeleteAllFilesAction": "鍏ㄩ儴鍒犻櫎", "DeleteField": "鍒犻櫎鐢板潡", "DeleteFieldComponent": "鍒犻櫎鍦熷¥鑲ュ姏", "DeleteGrwthRecord": "鍒犻櫎鐢熼暱璁板綍", "DeleteGuanGaiRecord": "鍒犻櫎鐏屾簤璁板綍", "DeleteGuanPickRecord": "鍒犻櫎閲囨憳璁板綍", "DeleteHuaFei": "鍒犻櫎鍖栬偉", "DeleteNongYao": "鍒犻櫎鍐滆嵂", "DeletePinZhong": "鍒犻櫎鍝佺", "DeletePlantRecord": "鍒犻櫎绉嶆璁板綍", "DeleteQrCode": "鍒犻櫎浜岀淮鐮?, "DeleteShiFeiRecord": "鍒犻櫎鏂借偉璁板綍", "DeleteShiYaoRecord": "鍒犻櫎鐢ㄨ嵂璁板綍", "DeleteTraceBag": "鍒犻櫎婧簮妗f琚?, "DeleteTSImage": "鍒犻櫎鍥剧墖", "DeleteTSPhoneNum": "鍒犻櫎鎵嬫満鍙风爜", "DeleteTuRangType": "鍒犻櫎鍦熷¥绫诲瀷", "DeleteWeiXinRecord": "鍒犻櫎寰俊缁戝畾", "DeletingEdition": "Deleting edition", "DeletingLanguages": "Deleting language", "DeletingRole": "Deleting role", "DeletingTenant": "Deleting tenant", "DeletingUser": "Deleting user", "Demo_SampleChatMessage": "Hi, This is a test message. Please login with my account in a different browser and checkout how chat feature works.", "DifferentTenantImpersonationErrorMessage": "Can not impersonate a user of a different tenant!", "Dikuai": "鍦哄湴绠$悊", "DiKuai": "鍦哄湴绠$悊", "DiKuaiNameChongFu": "鍦板潡鍚嶇О閲嶅", "DiShi": "鍦板競", "Display": "鏄剧ず", "DiTuDingWei": "鍦板浘瀹氫綅", "DomainName": "Domain name", "DontYouHaveAnAccount": "Don't you have an account?", "Dosage": "鐢ㄩ噺", "Download": "Download", "DownloadAll": "Download all", "DownloadQrCode": "涓嬭浇浜岀淮鐮?, "Duration": "Duration", "Edit": "Edit", "EditEdition": "Edit edition", "EditField": "缂栬緫鐢板潡", "EditFieldComponent": "缂栬緫鍦熷¥鑲ュ姏", "EditGrwthRecord": "缂栬緫鐢熼暱璁板綍", "EditGuanGaiRecord": "缂栬緫鐏屾簤璁板綍", "EditGuanPickRecord": "缂栬緫閲囨憳璁板綍", "EditHuaFei": "缂栬緫鍖栬偉", "EditingEdition": "Editing edition", "EditingLanguage": "Editing language", "EditingRole": "Editing role", "EditingTenant": "Editing tenant", "EditingUser": "Editing user", "Edition": "Edition", "EditionDeleteWarningMessage": "{0} will be deleted and unassigned from all assigned tenants.", "EditionName": "Edition name", "EditionProperties": "Edition properties", "Editions": "Editions", "EditionsHeaderInfo": "Manage editions and features of the application", "EditLanguage": "Edit language", "EditNongYao": "缂栬緫鍐滆嵂", "EditPinZhong": "缂栬緫鍝佺", "EditPlantRecord": "缂栬緫绉嶆璁板綍", "EditQrCode": "缂栬緫浜岀淮鐮?, "EditRole": "Edit role", "EditShiFeiRecord": "缂栬緫鏂借偉璁板綍", "EditShiYaoRecord": "缂栬緫鐢ㄨ嵂璁板綍", "EditTenant": "Edit tenant", "EditText": "Edit text", "EditTraceBag": "缂栬緫婧簮妗f琚?, "EditTSImage": "淇敼鍥剧墖", "EditTSPhoneNum": "缂栬緫鎵嬫満鍙风爜", "EditTuRangType": "缂栬緫鍦熷¥绫诲瀷", "EditUser": "Edit user", "EditWeiXinRecord": "缂栬緫寰俊缁戝畾", "EmailActivation": "Email activation", "EmailActivation_ClickTheLinkBelowToVerifyYourEmail": "Please click the link below to verify your email address:", "EmailActivation_Subject": "TraceabilitySystemAZ account email activation", "EmailActivation_SubTitle": "This email is sent you to verify your email.", "EmailActivation_Title": "Welcome to TraceabilitySystemAZ.", "EmailAddress": "Email address", "EmailConfirm": "Email confirm", "EmailConfirmationRequiredForLogin": "Email confirmation required for login.", "EmailSmtp": "Email (SMTP)", "EmptyOnes": "Empty ones", "EnableLdapAuthentication": "Enable LDAP Authentication.", "EnableTwoFactorLogin": "Enable two factor user login.", "EnableUserAccountLockingOnFailedLoginAttemts": "Enable user account locking on failed login attempts", "Error": "Error!", "ErrorState": "Error state", "ErWeiMa": "浜岀淮鐮?, "ExportToExcel": "Export to excel", "Failed": "Failed", "FaRenDaiBiao": "娉曚汉浠h〃鍚嶇О", "Features": "Features", "Field": "鐢板潡绠$悊", "FieldComponent": "鍦熷¥鑲ュ姏", "FieldComponentDeleteWarningMessage": "鍒犻櫎鍦熷¥鑲ュ姏", "FieldComponentHeaderInfo": "鐢板潡璇︾粏淇℃伅", "FieldDeleteWarningMessage": "鍒犻櫎鍦板潡", "FieldHeaderInfo": "鐢板潡璇︾粏淇℃伅", "FieldId": "鍦板潡", "FieldName": "鍦板潡鍚?, "fields": "鐢板潡绠$悊", "File_Empty_Error": "Please select a file!", "File_Invalid_Type_Error": "Invalid file type!", "File_SizeLimit_Error": "Size of the file exceeds allowed limits!", "FileName": "鏂囦欢鍚?, "FileSize": "鏂囦欢澶у皬", "FileUploadActions": "鎿嶄綔", "FileUploadProgress": "涓婁紶杩涘害", "FileUploadStatus": "鐘舵€?, "FilterByPermission": "Filter by permission", "FilterByRole": "Filter by role", "FilterOrAddUser": "Filter/Add user", "Flag": "Flag", "ForgotPassword": "Forgot password?", "FormBasedRegistration": "Form Based Registration", "FormIsNotValidMessage": "Form is not valid. Please check and fix errors.", "Friends": "Friends", "FriendshipRequestAccepted": "Friendship request accepted", "FromTenantToHostImpersonationErrorMessage": "Can not impersonate a host user from a tenant user!", "FuJianPicture": "闄勪欢鍥剧墖", "Ge": "闀夛紙mg/kg锛?, "General": "General", "Gong": "姹烇紙mg/kg锛?, "GongRen": "宸ヤ汉", "GoToApplication": "Go to application", "GrowthPeriod": "鐢熼暱闃舵", "GrowthSeasonSelect": "鐢熼暱瀛i€夋嫨", "GrwthDateTime": "瑙傛祴鏃ユ湡", "GrwthRecord": "鐢熼暱璁板綍", "GrwthRecordDeleteWarningMessage": "鍒犻櫎鐢熼暱璁板綍", "GrwthRecordHeaderInfo": "鐢熼暱璇︾粏淇℃伅", "GuanGaiDateTime": "鐏屾簤鏃ユ湡", "GuanGaiDosage": "鐏屾簤閲忥紙绔嬫柟锛?, "GuanGaiMethod": "鐏屾簤鏂瑰紡", "GuanGaiRecord": "鐏屾簤璁板綍", "GuanGaiRecordDeleteWarningMessage": "鍒犻櫎鐏屾簤璁板綍", "GuanGaiRecordHeaderInfo": "鐏屾簤璇︾粏淇℃伅", "guanGaiRecords": "鐏屾簤璁板綍", "GuanGais": "鐏屾簤璁板綍", "GuiGeName": "瑙勬牸", "GuoYingQiYe": "鍥借惀浼佷笟", "HangfireDashboard": "Hangfire dashboard", "HasError": "Has error", "HasOwnDatabase": "HasOwnDatabase", "HeZuoShe": "鍚堜綔绀?, "HideAdvancedFilters": "Hide advanced filters", "HomePage": "Home page", "HuaFei": "鑲ユ枡鍚嶇О", "HuaFeiDeleteWarningMessage": "鍒犻櫎鍖栬偉", "HuaFeiHeaderInfo": "鍖栬偉璇︾粏淇℃伅", "HuaFeis": "鍖栬偉绠$悊", "HuaFeiType": "鍖栬偉绫诲瀷", "Images": "鐓х墖涓婁紶", "ImpersonationTokenErrorMessage": "Impersonation token is invalid or expired!", "IncorrectCaptchaAnswer": "Security code is not valid.", "InvalidEmailAddress": "Invalid email address", "InvalidEmailConfirmationCode": "Invalid email confirmation code", "InvalidEmailConfirmationCode_Detail": "Please be sure you entered this page by clicking the link sent to your email. If this not solves the problem, you can re-try to request a new confirmation code.", "InvalidFeaturesWarning": "One or more feature values are not valid!", "InvalidFormMessage": "Your form is invalid. Please check and correct it.", "InvalidPasswordResetCode": "Invalid password reset code", "InvalidPasswordResetCode_Detail": "Please be sure you entered this page by clicking the link sent to your email. If this not solves the problem, you can re-try to request a new password reset link.", "InvalidSecurityCode": "Invalid security code!", "InvalidUserNameOrEmailAddress": "Invalid user name or email address", "InvalidUserNameOrPassword": "Invalid user name or password", "InvlalidLanguageCode": "Invalid language code.", "IpAddress": "IP address", "IsEmailVerificationEnabled": "Enable email verification.", "IsLockoutEnabled": "Is lockout enabled ?", "IsLockoutEnabled_Hint": "User is locked for a while after a certain amount of failed login attempts.", "IsShenHePass": "瀹℃牳", "IsSmsVerificationEnabled": "Enable SMS verification.", "IsTwoFactorEnabled": "Is two factor authentication enabled?", "JianJieDan": "纰辫В姘紙mg/kg锛?, "JingDu": "缁忓害", "JiShus": "鎶€鏈汉鍛?, "Key": "Key", "KongQi": "绌烘皵", "KuangWuZhi": "鐭跨墿璐?, "Language": "Language", "LanguageDeleteWarningMessage": "Are you sure to delete the language {0}?", "Languages": "Languages", "LanguagesHeaderInfo": "Manage user interface languages.", "LanguageTexts": "Language texts", "LanguageTextsHeaderInfo": "Edit texts for languages.", "Last30Days": "Last 30 days", "Last7Days": "Last 7 days", "LastLoginTime": "Last login time", "LastMonth": "Last month", "LdapSettings": "LDAP Settings", "LianXiFangShi": "鑱旂郴鏂瑰紡", "LiJiZhuCe": "绔嬪嵆娉ㄥ唽", "LinkedAccounts": "Linked accounts", "LinkedUserDeleteWarningMessage": "Link to user {0} will be deleted.", "LinkNewAccount": "Link new account", "LogIn": "Log in", "LoginAsThisTenant": "Login as this tenant", "LoginAsThisUser": "Login as this user", "LoginAttempts": "Login attempts", "LoginFailed": "Login failed!", "LoginForTenants": "Login for tenants", "LoginForUsers": "Login for users", "LoginWith": "Login with:", "Logout": "Logout", "LookingForMpaVersion": "Looking for Multi-Page Application Version?", "LookingForSpaVersion": "Looking for Single-Page Application Version?", "MailSent": "Mail sent", "MainPage": "涓婚〉", "Maintenance": "Maintenance", "ManageAccounts": "Manage accounts", "ManagingMembers": "Managing members", "ManagingOrganizationTree": "Managing organization tree", "MaxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout": "Maximum number of failed login attempt count before locking the account", "MaximumUserCount": "Maximum user count (0 = unlimited)", "MaximumUserCount_Error_Detail": "This tenant is allowed to have a maximum of {0} users.", "MaximumUserCount_Error_Message": "Reached to maximum allowed user count!", "MaxPasswordLength": "Maximum password length", "MeasureOfArea": "闈㈢Н锛堜憨锛?, "Members": "Members", "Meng": "閿帮紙mg/kg锛?, "Message": "Message", "MinPasswordLength": "Minimum password length", "MobilePhone": "鎵嬫満鍙风爜", "MobileRegister": "鎵嬫満娉ㄥ唽", "MustBe_Required": "蹇呴』", "MySettings": "My settings", "Name": "Name", "NameSurname": "Name surname", "NewChatMessageEmail_Subject": "You have a new chat message", "NewChatMessageEmail_SubTitle": "", "NewChatMessageEmail_Title": "Message Details", "NewOrganizationUnit": "New organization unit", "NewPassword": "New password", "NewPasswordRepeat": "New password (repeat)", "NewRegisteredTenantsIsActiveByDefault": "New registered tenants are active by default.", "NewRegisteredTenantsIsActiveByDefault_Hint": "If you disable this, new tenants will not be active (and can not login) until admin manually activate the account.", "NewRegisteredUsersIsActiveByDefault": "New registered users are active by default.", "NewRegisteredUsersIsActiveByDefault_Hint": "If you disable this, new users will not be active (and can not login) until admin manually activate the account.", "NewTenant": "New tenant", "NewTenantRegisteredNotificationDefinition": "On a new tenant registered to the application.", "NewTenantRegisteredNotificationMessage": "A new tenant registered to the application. Tenancy name: {tenancyName}.", "NewUserRegisteredNotificationDefinition": "On a new user registered to the application.", "NewUserRegisteredNotificationMessage": "A new user registered to the application. User name: {userName}, Email address: {emailAddress}.", "No": "No", "None": "None", "NongShi": "鍐滀簨绠$悊", "NongYao": "鍐滆嵂绠$悊", "NongYaoDateTime": "鍠疯嵂鏃ユ湡", "NongYaoDeleteWarningMessage": "鍒犻櫎鍐滆嵂", "NongYaoDosage": "鍠疯嵂閲?, "NongYaoHeaderInfo": "鍐滆嵂璇︾粏淇℃伅", "NongYaoID": "鍐滆嵂缂栧彿", "NongYaoName": "鑽搧鍚嶇О", "NongYaos": "鍐滆嵂绠$悊", "NongYeQiYe": "鍐滀笟浼佷笟", "NongZi": "鍐滆祫绠$悊", "NoOrganizationUnitDefinedYet": "No organization unit defined yet.", "NotAssigned": "Not assigned", "Notifications": "Notifications", "NotificationSettings": "Notification settings", "NotificationTypes": "Notification Types", "NotImpersonatedLoginErrorMessage": "This is not an impersonated login!", "ObservationTarget": "瑙傚療鐩爣", "OccupiedMobilePhone": "The system already has the phone number.", "Off": "Off", "Ok": "Ok", "On": "On", "OopsYouAreLost": "Oops! You're lost.", "OrganizationTree": "Organization tree", "OrganizationUnitDeleteWarningMessage": "Are you sure to delete organization unit {0}?", "OrganizationUnitMoveConfirmMessage": "Please confirm to move {0} to under {1}.", "OrganizationUnits": "Organization units", "OrganizationUnitsHeaderInfo": "Use organization units to organize users and entities", "Others": "Others", "OtherSettings": "Other Settings", "Pages": "Pages", "Pages_System": "绯荤粺椤甸潰", "Parameters": "Parameters", "Password": "Password", "PasswordChangeDontRememberMessage": "If you can not remember your password, {0}.", "PasswordComplexity": "Password complexity", "PasswordComplexity_MaxLength_Hint": "Password must be maximum {0} characters", "PasswordComplexity_MinLength_Hint": "Password must be minimum {0} characters", "PasswordComplexity_UseLowerCaseLetters_Hint": "Password must contain at least 1 lower case letter", "PasswordComplexity_UseNumbers_Hint": "Password must contain at least 1 number", "PasswordComplexity_UsePunctuations_Hint": "Password must contain at least 1 special character", "PasswordComplexity_UseUpperCaseLetters_Hint": "Password must contain at least 1 upper case letter", "PasswordComplexityNotSatisfied": "Password complexity is not satisfied.", "PasswordRepeat": "Password (repeat)", "PasswordReset": "Password reset", "PasswordResetEmail_ClickTheLinkBelowToResetYourPassword": "Please click the link below to reset your password:", "PasswordResetEmail_Subject": "TraceabilitySystemAZ password reset", "PasswordResetEmail_SubTitle": "This email is sent you to reset and re-create your password.", "PasswordResetEmail_Title": "TraceabilitySystemAZ password reset.", "PasswordResetMailSentMessage": "A password reset link sent to your e-mail address. Please check your emails.", "PeiYaoMethod": "鍠疯嵂鏂瑰紡", "Permission": "Permission", "Permissions": "Permissions", "PersonalInformations": "Personal information", "PhoneNum": "鎵嬫満鍙?, "PhoneNumber": "Phone number", "PHZhi": "PH鍊?, "PickCount": "鏀惰幏鏁伴噺锛坘g锛?, "PickDateTime": "鏀惰幏鏃堕棿", "PickRecord": "閲囨憳璁板綍", "PickRecordDeleteWarningMessage": "鍒犻櫎閲囨憳璁板綍", "PickRecordHeaderInfo": "閲囨憳璇︾粏淇℃伅", "PictureQueueLength": "鍥剧墖寮犳暟", "PinZhong": "绉嶆鍝佺", "PinZhongCode": "鏉$爜", "PinZhongDeleteWarningMessage": "鍒犻櫎绉嶅瓙", "PinZhongHeaderInfo": "绉嶅瓙璇︾粏淇℃伅", "PinZhongMasterInfo": "涓昏淇℃伅", "PinZhongType": "鍝佺绫诲瀷", "PlantEndTime": "鎷熸敹鑾锋椂闂?, "PlantRecord": "鐢熼暱瀛h妭", "PlantRecordDeleteWarningMessage": "鍒犻櫎鐢熼暱瀛h褰?, "PlantRecordHeaderInfo": "绉嶆璇︾粏淇℃伅", "PlantRecordID": "绉嶆璁板綍缂栧彿", "plantRecords": "鐢熼暱瀛g鐞?, "PlantStartTime": "鎷熸挱绉嶆椂闂?, "PleaseEnterLoginInformation": "Please enter login information", "PleaseEnterYourNewPassword": "Please enter your new password.", "Position": "浣嶇疆", "PreviewPicture": "棰勮鍥剧墖", "Previous": "Previous", "PrintDiZhi": "鍦板潃", "PrintLianXiDianHua": "鑱旂郴鐢佃瘽", "PrintPickDateTime": "閲囨憳鏃ユ湡", "PrintQrCode": "鎵撳嵃", "ProductCode": "鏉$爜", "ProductDateTime": "鐢熶骇鏃ユ湡", "ProductFactory": "鐢熶骇浼佷笟", "ProductGongYingShang": "渚涘簲鍟?, "ProductImages": "浜у搧鍥剧墖", "ProductName": "浜у搧鍚嶇О", "ProductPlace": "鐢熶骇浼佷笟", "ProfilePicture_Change_Error": "Your profile picture could not be changed.", "ProfilePicture_Change_Info": "You can select a JPG/JPEG/PNG file with a maximum 1MB size.", "ProfilePicture_Warn_FileType": "You can only select JPG/JPEG/GIF/PNG file. Please select another file.", "ProfilePicture_Warn_SizeLimit": "Picture size must be smalled than 1MB. Please select another file.", "ProvinceName": "鐪佷唤", "Qian": "閾咃紙mg/kg锛?, "QiTa": "鍏朵粬", "QiYeJianJie": "浼佷笟绠€浠?, "QiYeWangZhanDeLianJie": "浼佷笟缃戠珯鐨勯摼鎺?URL)", "QrCode": "浜岀淮鐮佺鐞?, "QrCodeDeleteWarningMessage": "鍒犻櫎浜岀淮鐮?, "QrCodeDisplay": "鎻忚堪", "QrCodeGroup": "浜岀淮鐮佹壒娆?, "QrCodeHeaderInfo": "浜岀淮鐮佽缁嗕俊鎭?, "QrCodeNum": "浜岀淮鐮佹暟閲?, "ReceiveNotifications": "Receive Notifications", "ReceiveNotifications_Definition": "This option can be used to completely enable/disable receiving notifications.", "ReceiveNotifications_DisableInfo": "You completely disabled receiving notifications. You can enabled it and select notification types you want to receive.", "RecordDateTime": "璁板綍鏃堕棿", "RecordInfo": "澶╂皵鎯呭喌", "Refresh": "Refresh", "Region": "鍦板潡", "RegisterFormUserNameInvalidMessage": "Please do not enter an email address for username.", "Remark": "澶囨敞", "RememberMe": "Remember me", "RememberThisBrowser": "Remember this browser", "RemoveUserFromOuWarningMessage": "Are you sure to remove user {0} from organization unit {1}?", "RenZhengZhengShuZhaoPian": "璁よ瘉璇佷功鐓х墖", "RequestedFileDoesNotExists": "Requested file does not exists!", "Reset": "Reset", "ResetFeaturesTooltip": "This button immediately resets tenant specific feature settings and saves changes. The tenant will only have features from assigned edition.", "ResetPermissionsTooltip": "This button immediately resets user specific permission settings and saves changes. The user will only have permissions from assigned roles.", "ResetSpecialFeatures": "Reset special features", "ResetSpecialPermissions": "Reset special permissions", "ResetSuccessfully": "Reset successfully", "ResizedProfilePicture_Warn_SizeLimit": "Resized picture size must be smalled than 100KB. Please resize down and try again.", "Role": "Role", "RoleDeleteWarningMessage": "Role {0} will be deleted and unassigned from all assigned users.", "RoleName": "Role name", "RoleProperties": "Role properties", "Roles": "Roles", "RolesHeaderInfo": "Use roles to group permissions.", "Root": "Root", "Save": "Save", "SaveAll": "Save all", "SaveAndClose": "Save & Close", "SaveAndNext": "Save & Next", "SavedSuccessfully": "Saved successfully.", "SavingWithThreeDot": "Saving...", "SearchWithThreeDot": "Search...", "Security": "Security", "SeeAllNotifications": "See all notifications", "SeeDemo": "See demo", "Select": "Select", "SelectAnItem": "Select an item", "SelectAnOrganizationUnitToSeeMembers": "Select an organization unit to see members.", "SelectAUser": "Select a user", "SelfUserRegistrationIsDisabledMessage": "You can not register to the system!", "SelfUserRegistrationIsDisabledMessage_Detail": "Self user registration is disabled. Please contact to the system administrator to register.", "Send": "Send", "SendActivationEmail": "Send activation email.", "SendEmailActivationLink_Information": "A link will be sent to your email to activate your email address. If you don't get an email within a few minutes, please re-try.", "Sender": "Sender", "SendPasswordResetLink_Information": "A password reset link will be sent to your email to reset your password. If you don't get an email within a few minutes, please re-try.", "SendSecurityCode": "Send security code.", "SendSecurityCode_Information": "You should verify yourself to login. Please select a verification type. A code will be sent based on selected verification type.", "SendSecurityCodeErrorMessage": "Security code could not be sent!", "SendTestEmail": "Send Test Email", "Service": "Service", "SetAllAsRead": "Set all as read", "SetAsDefaultLanguage": "Set as default language", "SetAsRead": "set as read", "SetRandomPassword": "Set random password.", "Settings": "Settings", "SettingsHeaderInfo": "Show and change application settings.", "ShengChanDanWei": "鐢熶骇鍗曚綅", "ShengChanXinXi": "鐢熶骇淇℃伅", "ShengFen": "鐪佷唤", "ShengZhangs": "鐢熼暱璁板綍", "ShiFeiDosage": "鏂借偉閲忥紙kg/浜╋級", "ShiFeiMethod": "鏂借偉鏂瑰紡", "ShiFeiRecord": "鏂借偉璁板綍", "ShiFeiRecordDateTime": "鏂借偉鏃ユ湡", "ShiFeiRecordDeleteWarningMessage": "鍒犻櫎鏂借偉璁板綍", "ShiFeiRecordHeaderInfo": "鏂借偉璇︾粏淇℃伅", "ShiFeis": "鏂借偉璁板綍", "ShiYaoRecord": "鐢ㄨ嵂璁板綍", "ShiYaoRecordDeleteWarningMessage": "鍒犻櫎鐢ㄨ嵂璁板綍", "ShiYaoRecordHeaderInfo": "鐢ㄨ嵂璇︾粏淇℃伅", "ShiYing": "鐭宠嫳", "ShouJia": "鍞环锛堝厓锛?, "ShouldChangePasswordOnNextLogin": "Should change password on next login.", "ShowAdvancedFilters": "Show advanced filters", "ShuiFen": "姘村垎", "SignUp": "Sign up", "SiYingQiYe": "绉佽惀浼佷笟", "SmtpHost": "SMTP host", "SmtpPort": "SMTP port", "Source": "Source", "Static": "Static", "StaticRole_Tooltip": "Static roles can not be deleted.", "Submit": "Submit", "Success": "Success", "SuccessfullyAdded": "Successfully added", "SuccessfullyDeleted": "Successfully deleted.", "SuccessfullyMoved": "Successfully moved.", "SuccessfullyRegistered": "Successfully registered", "SuccessfullyRemoved": "Successfully removed", "SuccessfullySaved": "Successfully saved.", "SuccessfullyUnlinked": "Successfully unlinked", "Surname": "Surname", "SuXiaoJia": "閫熸晥閽撅紙mg/kg锛?, "SwitchToLinkedAccountTokenErrorMessage": "Impersonation token is invalid or expired!", "TargetLanguage": "Target language", "TargetUserNotFoundProbablyDeleted": "Target user could not be found. It's probably deleted.", "TargetValue": "Target value", "TenancyAccount": "浼佷笟璐﹀彿", "TenancyAccountPlaceholder": "浼佷笟璐﹀彿,蹇呴』涓鸿嫳鏂囧瓧姣?, "TenancyCityName": "鍩庡競鍚嶇О", "TenancyCodeName": "Tenancy code name", "TenancyName": "Tenancy name", "TenancyProvinceName": "鐪佷唤鍚嶇О", "TenantDatabaseConnectionStringChangeWarningMessage": "Notice: Before changing the database connection string for a tenant, you should move the tenant database to the new location. Changing connection string does not move the tenant database.", "TenantDeleteWarningMessage": "Tenant {0} will be deleted.", "TenantInformations": "Tenant informations", "TenantIsNotActive": "Tenant {0} is not active.", "TenantJiBenXinXi": "浼佷笟鍩烘湰淇℃伅", "TenantLeiXing": "浼佷笟绫诲瀷", "TenantManagement": "Tenant management", "TenantName": "Tenant name", "TenantName_Regex_Description": "Tenant name must be at least 2 chars, starts with a letter and continue with letter, number, dash or underscore.", "TenantNameCanNotBeEmpty": "Tenant name can not be empty", "TenantPositions": "浼佷笟浣嶇疆", "Tenants": "Tenants", "TenantSelection": "Tenant Selection", "TenantSelection_Detail": "Please select one of the following tenants.", "TenantsHeaderInfo": "Manage your tenants.", "TenantShenQingZhuCe": "浼佷笟鐢宠娉ㄥ唽", "TenantSignUp": "Tenant SignUp", "TenantToHostChatFeature": "Chat with host", "TenantToHostChatFeatureIsNotEnabledForReceiver": "Chat with host is not enabled for tenant.", "TenantToHostChatFeatureIsNotEnabledForSender": "Chat with host is not enabled for you.", "TenantToTenantChatFeature": "Chat with other tenants", "TenantToTenantChatFeatureIsNotEnabledForReceiver": "Chat with other tenants is not enabled for tenant.", "TenantToTenantChatFeatureIsNotEnabledForSender": "Chat with other tenants is not enabled for you.", "TenantXingZhi": "浼佷笟鎬ц川", "TenantXinXiLuRu": "浼佷笟淇℃伅褰曞叆", "TenantZhangHao_Regex_Description": "浼佷笟璐﹀彿蹇呴』鐢?涓互涓婂瓧姣嶃€佹暟瀛楃粍鎴?, "TestDateTime": "娴嬪畾鏃堕棿", "TestEmail_Body": "This is a test email.", "TestEmail_Subject": "TraceabilitySystemAZ test email", "TestEmailSentSuccessfully": "Test e-mail sent successfully.", "TestEmailSettingsHeader": "Test Email Settings", "ThereIsNoNotification": "There is no notification.", "ThereIsNoTenantDefinedWithName{0}": "There is no tenant defined with name {0}", "ThisLanguageAlreadyExists": "This language already exists!", "ThisMonth": "This month", "ThisWebSiteRootAddress": "Web site root address", "ThisWebSiteRootAddress_Hint": "It will be used when building links to this web site. It's needed for some tasks like building password reset links. Ex: http://mydomain.com/", "TiJiaoShenHe": "鎻愪氦瀹℃牳", "Time": "Time", "Timezone": "Timezone", "TimeZoneSettingChangedRefreshPageNotification": "Timezone setting changed. Click OK button to refresh page and changes to take effect.", "Today": "Today", "Tong": "閾滐紙mg/kg锛?, "TraceabilitySystemAZ": "鍐滅婧簮绠$悊绯荤粺", "Tracebag": "婧簮妗f", "TraceBag": "婧簮妗f琚?, "TSImage": "鍥剧墖绠$悊", "TSPhoneNum": "鎵嬫満鍙风爜", "TuRangFeiLiName": "鍚嶇О", "TuRangFeiLiXuanZe": "鑲ュ姏閫夋嫨", "TuRangType": "鍦熷¥绫诲瀷", "TuRangTypeDeleteWarningMessage": "鍦熷¥绫诲瀷鍒犻櫎鎻愮ず", "TuRangTypeHeaderInfo": "鍦熷¥绫诲瀷璇︾粏淇℃伅", "TuRangTypeId": "鍦熷¥绫诲瀷", "TuRangYouJiZhiHanLiang": "鍦熷¥鏈夋満璐紙g/kg锛?, "TwoFactorLogin": "Two Factor Login", "Type": "鍐滆嵂绫诲瀷", "TypeAMessageHere": "Type a message here...", "UnblockUser": "Unblock", "Unlock": "Unlock", "UnlockedTenandAdmin": "Unlocked admin user for {0}", "UnlockedTheUser": "Unlocked the user {0}", "Unread": "Unread", "Upload": "Upload", "UploadAction": "涓婁紶", "UploadAllFilesAction": "鍏ㄩ儴涓婁紶", "UploadCSS_Info": "Select a .css file with a maximum of 1MB size.", "UploadLogo_Info": "Select a JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF file with a maximum of 30KB size and 168x33 pixel resolution.", "UploadPictureQueue": "鍥剧墖鍒楄〃", "UseCaptchaOnRegistration": "Use security image question (captcha) on registration.", "UseDefaultCredentials": "Use default credentials", "UseDefaultSettings": "Use default settings", "UseHostDatabase": "Use host database", "UseLowerCaseLetters": "Use lower case letters in password", "UseNumbers": "Use numbers in password", "UsePunctuations": "Use punctuations in password", "UserBlocked": "User blocked successfully.", "UserDeleteWarningMessage": "User {0} will be deleted.", "UserEmailIsNotConfirmedAndCanNotLogin": "Your email address is not confirmed. Please check your email and click the email confirmation link to activate your account. If you did not receive activation email, click the 'email confirmation' to request a new email.", "UserInformations": "User informations", "UserIsAlreadyInTheOrganizationUnit": "This user is already in the organization unit!", "UserIsBlocked": "User is blocked.", "UserIsNotActiveAndCanNotLogin": "User {0} is not active and can not log in.", "UserLockedOutMessage": "The user account has been locked out. Please try again later.", "UserLockOut": "User Lock Out", "UserManagement": "User management", "UserName": "User name", "UserNameOrEmail": "User name or email", "Users": "Users", "UserSendYouAFriendshipRequest": "{0} added you as a friend.", "UsersHeaderInfo": "Manage users and permissions.", "UserUnblocked": "Block removed from user successfully.", "UseSsl": "Use SSL", "UseUpperCaseLetters": "Use upper case letters in password", "Vaule": "鍊?, "VerificationCode": "Verification code", "VerifySecurityCode": "Verify Security Code", "VerifySecurityCode_Information": "Please enter the verification code sent to you.", "VerifySecurityCodeNotLoggedInErrorMessage": "You should be login first, in order to verify yourself! Probably, your login has been timeout. Please go to the login page and re-try it.", "WaiZiQiYe": "澶栬祫浼佷笟", "WebSiteLogs": "Website Logs", "WebSiteLogsHeaderInfo": "You can see latest logs in this page or download all logs in a single zip file.", "WeCanNotFindThePage": "We can not find the page you're looking for.", "WeiDu": "绾害", "WeiXinRecord": "寰俊缁戝畾", "WelcomePage_Info": "Welcome to the application. You can use the menu to start using the application. If you don't see any menu item, probably you don't have permission to see any page. Consider to ask system administration for permissions.", "WelcomePage_Title": "Welcome!", "WelcomeToTheApplicationNotificationMessage": "Welcome to TraceabilitySystemAZ! Notification system is used to inform you for intended events. You can select which type of notifications you want to receive from the notification settings.", "XiangXiDiZhi": "璇︾粏鍦板潃", "Xin": "閿岋紙mg/kg锛?, "XinZengXinXi": "鏂板淇℃伅", "XiTongYiJingYouGaiShouJiHao": "The system already has the phone number.", "Xms": "{0} ms", "XuanZeYingYeZhiZhao": "閫夋嫨钀ヤ笟鎵х収", "XuanZeZhengShuZhaoPian": "閫夋嫨璇佷功鐓х墖", "Year": "骞翠唤", "Yes": "Yes", "YesDelete": "Yes, delete!", "Yesterday": "Yesterday", "YingYeZhiZhao": "钀ヤ笟鎵х収", "YingYeZhiZhaoZhaoPian": "钀ヤ笟鎵х収鐓х墖", "YongYaos": "鐢ㄨ嵂璁板綍", "YouAlreadySentAFriendshipRequestToThisUser": "You already added this user.", "YouCanBackToYourAccount": "You can back to your account here.", "YouCannotBeFriendWithYourself": "You can not be friend with yourself.", "YouCanNotDeleteOwnAccount": "You can not delete own user account!", "YouCannotLinkToSameAccount": "You can not link to same account!", "YouDontHaveAnyBlockedFriend": "You don't have any blocked users. In order to block a friend, select a friend and select block from actions dropdown.", "YouDontHaveAnyFriend": "You don't have any friends. Write a username to above input box and click \"Add Friend\" button.", "YouJiWu": "鏈夋満鐗?, "YourAccountIsWaitingToBeActivatedByAdmin": "Your account is waiting to be activated by system admin.", "YourEmailIsConfirmedMessage": "Your email address is successfully confirmed.", "YourPasswordHasChangedSuccessfully": "Your password has changed successfully.", "YouXiaoLin": "鏈夋晥纾凤紙mg/kg锛?, "YuanGong": "鍛樺伐绠$悊", "YuanLiaoSource": "鍘熸枡鏉ユ簮", "ZhiJianReports": "璐ㄦ鎶ュ憡", "ZhongGuiShi": "閲嶇鐭?, "ZhongZhiDaHu": "绉嶆澶ф埛", "ZhongZis": "绉嶅瓙绠$悊", "ZhuYaoChanPinMiaoShu": "涓昏浜у搧鎻忚堪", "ZuiDuoWuZhang": "鏈€澶?寮 " }; })(); (function() { abp.features = abp.features || {}; abp.features.allFeatures = { 'App.MaxUserCount': { value: '0' }, 'App.ChatFeature': { value: 'false' }, 'App.ChatFeature.TenantToTenant': { value: 'false' }, 'App.ChatFeature.TenantToHost': { value: 'false' } }; })(); (function(){ abp.auth = abp.auth || {}; abp.auth.allPermissions = { 'Pages': true, 'Pages.Administration': true, 'Pages.Administration.Roles': true, 'Pages.Administration.Roles.Create': true, 'Pages.Administration.Roles.Edit': true, 'Pages.Administration.Roles.Delete': true, 'Pages.Administration.Users': true, 'Pages.Administration.Users.Create': true, 'Pages.Administration.Users.Edit': true, 'Pages.Administration.Users.Delete': true, 'Pages.Administration.Users.ChangePermissions': true, 'Pages.Administration.Users.Impersonation': true, 'Pages.Administration.Languages': true, 'Pages.Administration.Languages.Create': true, 'Pages.Administration.Languages.Edit': true, 'Pages.Administration.Languages.Delete': true, 'Pages.Administration.Languages.ChangeTexts': true, 'Pages.Administration.AuditLogs': true, 'Pages.Administration.OrganizationUnits': true, 'Pages.Administration.OrganizationUnits.ManageOrganizationTree': true, 'Pages.Administration.OrganizationUnits.ManageMembers': true, 'Pages.Administration.Tenant.Settings': true, 'Pages.Administration.Host.Settings': true, 'Pages.Administration.Host.Maintenance': true, 'Pages.Administration.HangfireDashboard': true, 'Pages.WeiXinRecord': true, 'Pages.WeiXinRecord.CreateWeiXinRecord': true, 'Pages.WeiXinRecord.EditWeiXinRecord': true, 'Pages.WeiXinRecord.DeleteWeiXinRecord': true, 'Pages.Editions': true, 'Pages.Editions.Create': true, 'Pages.Editions.Edit': true, 'Pages.Editions.Delete': true, 'Pages.Tenants': true, 'Pages.Tenants.Create': true, 'Pages.Tenants.Edit': true, 'Pages.Tenants.ChangeFeatures': true, 'Pages.Tenants.Delete': true, 'Pages.Tenants.Impersonation': true, 'Pages.DiKuai': true, 'Pages.DiKuai.FieldComponent': true, 'Pages.DiKuai.FieldComponent.CreateFieldComponent': true, 'Pages.DiKuai.FieldComponent.EditFieldComponent': true, 'Pages.DiKuai.FieldComponent.DeleteFieldComponent': true, 'Pages.DiKuai.Field': true, 'Pages.DiKuai.Field.CreateField': true, 'Pages.DiKuai.Field.EditField': true, 'Pages.DiKuai.Field.DeleteField': true, 'Pages.NongZi': true, 'Pages.NongZi.HuaFei': true, 'Pages.NongZi.HuaFei.CreateHuaFei': true, 'Pages.NongZi.HuaFei.EditHuaFei': true, 'Pages.NongZi.HuaFei.DeleteHuaFei': true, 'Pages.NongZi.NongYao': true, 'Pages.NongZi.NongYao.CreateNongYao': true, 'Pages.NongZi.NongYao.EditNongYao': true, 'Pages.NongZi.NongYao.DeleteNongYao': true, 'Pages.NongZi.PinZhong': true, 'Pages.NongZi.PinZhong.CreatePinZhong': true, 'Pages.NongZi.PinZhong.EditPinZhong': true, 'Pages.NongZi.PinZhong.DeletePinZhong': true, 'Pages.NongShi': true, 'Pages.NongShi.PlantRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.PlantRecord.CreatePlantRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.PlantRecord.EditPlantRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.PlantRecord.DeletePlantRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.GrwthRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.GrwthRecord.CreateGrwthRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.GrwthRecord.EditGrwthRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.GrwthRecord.DeleteGrwthRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.ShiFeiRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.ShiFeiRecord.CreateShiFeiRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.ShiFeiRecord.EditShiFeiRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.ShiFeiRecord.DeleteShiFeiRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.ShiYaoRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.ShiYaoRecord.CreateShiYaoRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.ShiYaoRecord.EditShiYaoRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.ShiYaoRecord.DeleteShiYaoRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.JiaGongRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShiJiaGongRecord.CreateJiaGongRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.JiaGongRecord.EditJiaGongRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.JiaGongRecord.DeleteJiaGongRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.QiTaRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShiQiTaRecord.CreateQiTaRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.QiTaRecord.EditQiTaRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.QiTaRecord.DeleteQiTaRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.GuanGaiRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.GuanGaiRecord.CreateGuanGaiRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.GuanGaiRecord.EditGuanGaiRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.GuanGaiRecord.DeleteGuanGaiRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.PickRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.PickRecord.CreatePickRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.PickRecord.EditPickRecord': true, 'Pages.NongShi.PickRecord.DeletePickRecord': true, 'Pages.QrCode': true, 'Pages.QrCode.CreateQrCode': true, 'Pages.QrCode.EditQrCode': true, 'Pages.QrCode.DeleteQrCode': true, 'Pages.TraceBag': true, 'Pages.TraceBag.CreateTraceBag': true, 'Pages.TraceBag.EditTraceBag': true, 'Pages.TraceBag.DeleteTraceBag': true, 'Pages.TSPhoneNum': true, 'Pages.TSPhoneNum.CreateTSPhoneNum': true, 'Pages.TSPhoneNum.EditTSPhoneNum': true, 'Pages.TSPhoneNum.DeleteTSPhoneNum': true, 'Pages.System': true, 'Pages.System.TSImage': true, 'Pages.System.TSImage.CreateTSImage': true, 'Pages.System.TSImage.EditTSImage': true, 'Pages.System.TSImage.DeleteTSImage': true }; abp.auth.grantedPermissions = { }; })(); (function() { abp.nav = {}; abp.nav.menus = { 'MainMenu': { name: 'MainMenu', displayName: 'Main menu', items: [] } , 'Frontend': { name: 'Frontend', displayName: 'Frontend menu', items: [{ name: 'Frontend.Home', order: 0, displayName: 'Home page', isEnabled: true, isVisible: true, items: [] } , { name: 'Frontend.About', order: 0, url: 'About', displayName: 'About us', isEnabled: true, isVisible: true, items: [] }] } , 'Mpa': { name: 'Mpa', displayName: 'Main Menu', items: [] } }; })(); (function(){ abp.setting = abp.setting || {}; abp.setting.values = { 'Abp.Localization.DefaultLanguageName': 'zh-CN', 'Abp.Notifications.ReceiveNotifications': 'true', 'Abp.Timing.TimeZone': 'UTC', 'Abp.Zero.UserManagement.IsEmailConfirmationRequiredForLogin': 'false', 'Abp.Zero.OrganizationUnits.MaxUserMembershipCount': '2147483647', 'Abp.Zero.UserManagement.TwoFactorLogin.IsEnabled': 'false', 'Abp.Zero.UserManagement.TwoFactorLogin.IsRememberBrowserEnabled': 'true', 'Abp.Zero.UserManagement.TwoFactorLogin.IsEmailProviderEnabled': 'true', 'Abp.Zero.UserManagement.TwoFactorLogin.IsSmsProviderEnabled': 'true', 'Abp.Zero.UserManagement.UserLockOut.IsEnabled': 'true', 'Abp.Zero.UserManagement.UserLockOut.MaxFailedAccessAttemptsBeforeLockout': '5', 'Abp.Zero.UserManagement.UserLockOut.DefaultAccountLockoutSeconds': '300', 'Abp.Zero.UserManagement.PasswordComplexity.RequireDigit': 'false', 'Abp.Zero.UserManagement.PasswordComplexity.RequireLowercase': 'false', 'Abp.Zero.UserManagement.PasswordComplexity.RequireNonAlphanumeric': 'false', 'Abp.Zero.UserManagement.PasswordComplexity.RequireUppercase': 'false', 'Abp.Zero.UserManagement.PasswordComplexity.RequiredLength': '3' }; })(); (function(){ abp.clock.provider = abp.timing.utcClockProvider || abp.timing.localClockProvider; abp.clock.provider.supportsMultipleTimezone = true; abp.timing.timeZoneInfo = { windows: { timeZoneId: 'UTC', baseUtcOffsetInMilliseconds: '0', currentUtcOffsetInMilliseconds: '0', isDaylightSavingTimeNow: 'False' }, iana: { timeZoneId:'Etc/UTC' }, } })(); (function(){ abp.security.antiForgery.tokenCookieName = 'XSRF-TOKEN'; abp.security.antiForgery.tokenHeaderName = 'X-XSRF-TOKEN'; })(); (function(){ abp.event.trigger('abp.dynamicScriptsInitialized'); })();